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Do you want to be more involved?

or do you know anyone who would be interested
Can you (or do you know anyone who would be interested in getting more involved) in the Peckham Coal Line urban park? If you can spare around 4hrs a week and you have experience in the following areas we’d love to hear from you!
1. Volunteers for the upcoming OpenHouse w/e (19th & 20th September)
2. We have a role for someone who has experience planning events and can help us organise our exciting calendar of upcoming activities.
3. Someone who could be a volunteer co-ordinator
4. Someone who might be able to help us with getting the concept to a wider audience through press releases & newsletters etc.
We are all volunteers but the tradeoff is you get to connect with the community, learn, reflect and explore, and be part of something that feels deeply meaningful.
If you're interested comment here or email
Your enthusiasm is fantastic. We only need another £150 to get to £12000 can we do this by the end of the day! http//