a park to connect us
Active between 2014-2022
A place to enjoy nature amble, cycle relax and play...
The Peckham Coal Line is a community-led project to reconnect Peckham’s neighbourhoods with a new linear park linking Queens Road Peckham and Rye Lane, connecting communities, opening up business possibilities and creating new green space. The group is incorporated as a registered charity.
The unique way the Coal Line has been developed and designed in partnership with the local community means that a major piece of London infrastructure will not be imposed from the top down, but grown from the bottom up. And because the local community is involved in both its design and delivery, the Coal Line will be something for the people of Peckham to be proud of.
It will transform walking and cycling connections around Peckham, bridging busy roads and creating a direct link between two high streets. It will turn disused and forgotten spaces into a source of civic pride, bringing benefits to health, culture and business for local people, providing much-needed green space for the area, and celebrating Peckham’s industrial past.
The Coal Line will also form a strategic transport link for south London – adding the missing piece in a network of greenways that runs from Brixton all the way to the Thames.
In the mid 19th century the construction of the railways brought the industrial revolution to Peckham turning what was a backwater, surrounded by grazing pasture, into a frenzy of manufacturing; the legacy of warehouses and factories now dominate the area around the tracks and while large-scale industry has long moved on, the high street continues to teem with markets stalls heavily influenced by Peckham’s diverse international community.
Layers of migration have left a busy, vibrant, atmospheric neighbourhood however there is little green space. What’s more the communities are segregated by physical boundaries such as busy roads and rail lines preventing access to Rye Lane from the east. The area between the tracks, once a coal drop, is now is now disused and overgrown. It is a quiet, natural oasis that negotiates its way through Peckham’s contemporary chaos and industrial heritage. The viaduct has views towards the city and is an overlooked link corridor between the neighbourhoods green spaces.
The Peckham Coal Line park group started in 2014 as the idea of some local residents, and soon captured the collective imagination, sparking local interest and national media coverage. The next step was to find out whether the project was realistic and achievable, so in 2015 a crowdfunding campaign was launched to fund a feasibility study to determine what the Coal Line should be for, who would use it, who would look after it and how much it would cost. 928 local residents, businesses, councillors, the local MP and the Mayor of London showed their faith in the project, raising £75,757 to fund the study. After a rigorous selection process, a team led by architectural practice Adams & Sutherland won the commission, not least due to their community engagement in previous projects like Stratford’s Olympic Park greenway.
It can be done...
The results of the feasibility study are now in. The Peckham Coal Line is an achievable project – technically possible, economically viable and highly desirable both for residents and for local businesses. The study shows how it could become a reality – the Peckham Coal Line has grown into a proven proposal that’s generating not only physical connections, but social and economic ones too. The project offers multiple benefits around health, innovation, connection, education, nature and community – meeting many of the objectives of local and national government. The overall benefits of the project will be realised when the Coal Line is completed. But this doesn’t mean that only an all-or-nothing approach will be successful. The nature of the project, and the several sites that make it up, means that it could be delivered in eight stages, as different development sites and the resources they need become available.
So What's the plan...
The Peckham Coal Line is best understood as a network of new public routes and spaces, interwoven both at street level and along elevated decks that connect pockets of neglected space alongside and beneath the existing railway line. These link Peckham Rye with Queens Road, running through areas of different character – from the urban industrial architecture of the Bussey Building and Peckham Levels in the town centre, to open views to the central London skyline between Consort Road and Gordon Road, and nature in the woodland of Kirkwood Nature Reserve. The Peckham Coal Line vision is ambitious, complex and innovative, which is part of its appeal and its strength, as well as making it challenging to deliver. It can be viewed as a series of individual projects, and although the overall benefits would happen with the delivery of the Coal Line as a whole – and it could potentially be designed, funded and built in a single process – a hybrid approach may be more appropriate.
delivering 900 metres of new cycling and walking paths; connecting two high streets as well as areas of currently inaccessible space; and linking up with existing walking and cycling routes across south London and beyond.
creating a landmark that protects, repurposes and brings back to life a piece of London’s industrial heritage, not as a sanitised tourist attraction frozen in time, but by making it relevant for the present and the future.
tapping grassroots energy to develop proposals for improving the local area, demonstrating how diverse communities can work together to steer change; creating a forum for social exchange and the development of skills.
connecting existing pockets of nature along the line; providing more open and green space for local communities in central Peckham; helping to improve local air quality, biodiversity and access to green space.
accessing and opening up around 2,300 square metres of new workspace to be used by local businesses and communities, unlocking and creating revenue to support local economic prosperity.
providing clean and safe walking and cycling routes which fit well with Southwark Council’s health and wellbeing strategy; improving social economic wellbeing in the borough by creating a peaceful new environment.
One of the key drivers of the Peckham Coal Line is the community it will be built by and for, so a vital part of the feasibility study was to incorporate the needs, views and desires of local people. Events were held in 2016 and 2017 for people to learn about the project, explore different options and share what they thought about it. Local schoolchildren, businesses and residents showed high levels of interest and involvement, underlining the credibility of the Coal Line, and making sure that the study had significant community-led input. Along the way, the Friends of the Peckham Coal Line formed to encourage continuous community involvement and help push things forward. Meanwhile, conversations with key stakeholders and decision-makers secured the support of Southwark Council, Network Rail, the Greater London Authority and the Mayor of London. In 2018 the project was included in the New Southwark Plan, safeguarding its future in local planning policy. The Peckham Coal Line will only happen with continuing local support – and there are many ways for you to be part of it:
More PostsClaire
Peckham resident
“It would be a fantastic route that connects parts of south London and provides a great community space that supports local history and business. I’d bring my bike and cycle from end to end to enjoy the view.”
“The Peckham Coal Line is an exciting and satisfying counterbalance to other London landmark projects - no less ambitious but with heart.”
Peckham resident
“It’s a great idea to turn this disused space into something useful and beautiful, I’d bring a sledge hammer and knock down that motorway wall!”
Peckham business owner
“The Coal Line will be an amazing local amenity for residents, facilitating access to the high street and encouraging residents to stay in Peckham, keeping business in the area.”
Fly-through Peckham Coal Line
An animation showing the potential of the Peckham Coal Line and Kirkwood green Space - This is not a design, but simply a model to help understand the concept and spatial requirements and constraints.
Individuals who backed the project
A H Trotter, A Mohiddin, Abigail Tripp, Adam Blezard, Adam Dunseath, Adam Norton, Adam O'Neale, Adam Wilson, Alan Sekers, Alasdair Ebeling, Alasdair Gardner, Alastair Salmon, Alberto Campora, Alec Leggat, Aleksander Sumowski, Alex Bray, Alex Eburne, Alex Knights, Alex Raha, Alex Scharaschkin, Alexander Wells, Alexandra Rees, Alice Chesterman, Alice Tyler, Alison Crockford, Alison Furey, Alison Homewood, Alison Levey, Alison Long-Guckel, Alison Robinson, Alison Timewell, Alison Weston, Alistair Bates, Ally Goddard, Aly Gillani, Amanda Gore, Amanda Gregor, Amber Wood, Amy Little, Amy Adams, Amy Passmore, Ana Abascal, Ana Jordan, Ana Rojas, Andrea Helou, Andrew Cryan, Andrew Lindsay, Andrew Radley, Andrew Rowson, Andy Bennett, Andy Macloed, Andy McCulloch, Andy Wales, Angela Combeer, Angelita Bradney, Angus Miln, Angus Watson, Ann Coley, Anna Thursby, Anna Beddow, Anna Birney, Anna Holmstrom, Anna Maria Adams, Anna Simpson, Anna Simpson, Anna Warrington, Anna Wigley, Annette Jezierska, Annie De Saulles, Annina Salo, Anthony Edwards, Anthony Law, Anthony Legon, Anthony Shoring, Antonia Palmer, Aphra Brannan, Aris Constantinides, Ashley Slater, Aveen McHugh, Ayako Iseki, Azeem Ahmad, Bart Hallett, Bartley Shaw, Beatriz Brown, Ben Fisher, Ben Brown, Ben Crouch, Ben Farber, Ben Robinson, Ben Sims, Benjamin and Aya LLoyd-Ennals, Benjamin Brace, Beth Adelmann, Beth Follini, Bethan Harris, Bev Haywood, Bev Lewis, Bill Guest, Bobby Chatterjee, Brett Taylor, Briony Bowe, Bruce Lynn, Bryony Elliott, Bryony James, Candace Piette, Carlos Gallego, Carol de Burca, Carol Edwards, Caroline Allis, Caroline Folley, Caroline Jones, Caroline Platt, Carolyn Barraclough, Carolyn Davidson, Cat Jenkins, Cath Prisk, Catherine Allison, Catherine McKenzie, Cathy Dearson, Cathy Hirschmann, Celia Bannerman, Celine Marchbank, Charlie Holland, Charlotte Grinling, Charlotte Hodkinson, Chloe Davies, Chloe McCulloch, Chris Gourlay, Chris Armstrong, Chris Barker, Chris Newman, Chris Trantom, Christina Hildrey, Christopher Stewart, Cian Agnew, CJ Gibson, Claire Dempster, Claire Hall, Claire Jones, Claire Matthews, Claire Neillands, Claire Scott, Clare Gill, Clare Jenkinson, Clare Wadd, Cleo Oliver, Constance Craig Smith, Corina Angheloiu, Dan McBeth, Dan McMillan, Dan Watson, Daniel Hill, Daniel Laosirichon, Daniel Lewis, Daniel Prideaux, Daniel Schuldes, Daniel Ward, Daniel Whitlock, Dave Broome, David Amor, David Bent-Hazelwood, David Boa, David Chambers, David Howe, David Janes, David Kenington, David Knight, David Simmonds, David Wilson, David Hodges, Deanna Heer, Delphine Guillemet, Des Garrahan, Dexter Johnstone, Diana Cochrane, Diana Marrs, Dominic Fox, Douglas McCabe, Draeyk van der Horn, Dragana Gavrilovic, Drummond Pearson, Duncan Hart, Duncan Wilson, Dylan Heslop, Eddie Heywood, Edmund Gliniecki, Edmund Sumner, Edward Prentice, Edward Harrison, Edward Hartwell Goose, Edward Parkes, Edwina Eliott-Lockhart, Eleanor Margolies, Eleanor Murray, Eleanor Purser, Eleanor Rennie, Elizabeth Mann, Ella Phillips, Eloise Shepherd, Elsie Burns, Elwira Dell'Anna, Emdadur Rahman, Emer O'Connell, Emilio Rangel, Emily Barry, Emily Burns, Emily Nielsen, Emily Pemberton, Emily Renshaw-Smith, Emily Wright, Emma Burdon, Emma Burnand, Emma Coleman, Emma Goode, Emma Hoyle, Emma Joseph, Emma Reiss, Emmanuelle Mitchell, Essi Lindstedt, Esther Maughan McLchaln, Evelyn Heathcoat Amory, Evelyn Ting, Fabrice Senac, Faith Jayne, Faith Wilson, Fergus Knox, Finn Coyle, Fiona Bruce, Fiona Flynn, Fiona King, Francesca Allen, Francesca Brady, Francesco Nicosia, Francis Byrne, Fraser Perrie, Fred Sharrock, Fred Tarr, Gabrielle Deschamps, Gareth Horner, Garry Charnock, Gary Armstrong, Gary Williams, Gavin Cambridge, Gavin Goodhart, Gemma Doyle, Gemma Knights, Geoffrey Coad, Geordie Watson, George Watson, Georgia Brown, Georgina Carless, Georgina Chatfield, Gerry Atwell, Gila Tabrizi, Gillian Cross, Gillian Phillips, Grant Cassin, Greg Goodwin, Greg Spencer, Greg Stump, Greig Burnside, Gus Lamb, Guy Haslam, Guy Hornsby, Guy Tallon, Halima Hassan, Hannah Padgett, Hannah Riches, Hannah Russell, Hannah Winchester, Hannah Wylie, Harold Shiel, Heather Parker, Heidi Hammond, Helen Churchill, Helen Crampton, Helen Ewen, Helen Ganiaris, Helen Hardy, Helen Johannessen, Helen Markides, Helen Quine, Helen Reid, Helen Trainor, Hermione Taylor, Hilary Claire Dunham-Phillips, HJ Fantaskis, Hugh Lewis, Hugh Corrin, Hugh Knowles, Hugh Wallis, Hugo Gorst-Williams, Hugo Lowry, Hugo Simms, Ian Johnston, Ieva Bach, Ilga Leimanis, Ilka W, Illtyd Foster, Imogen Wetherell, Ines Hartmann, Irene Cotton, Iris Penny, Ivan Steward, J, C & B Barnes, Jack Kelly, Jack Taylor, Jack Wallington, Jacqueline Hall-Shaw, Jacqueline Teggin, Jake Wetherall, James Crawford, James Donkin, James Goodman, James Harris, James Holding, James Leech, James Lehmann, James MacLeod, James Mann, James Nurton, James Stockdale, James Westoll, Jane Cooper, Jane Booth, Jane Champion, Jane Collis, Jane Looker,Jane Martin, Jane Merrick, Janet Guest, Janet Wood, Jay Jernigan, Jayne Hill, Jemma Golby, Jemma Ooi, Jennie Jones, Jenny Morgan, Jenny Sheridan, Jenny Teasdale, Jeremy Crump, Jeremy Leach, Jessica Behar, Jessica Crouch, Jessica Rowson, Jiehui Kia, Jillian Clemison, Jim Waterson, Jo Stimpson, Joan Casey, Joan Leifer, Joanna Knight, Joanna Vinall, Joe CookJoe Downie, John Baumber, John Bingham-Hall, John Harrison, Jon & Pauline Fitzmaurice, Jon Brooks, Jon Khoo, Jon Petter, Jonathan Bayfield, Jonathan Breeze, Jonathan Fisher, Jonathan Holmes, Jonathan Mokrani, Jonathan Smith, Jonathon Porritt, Jordan Whitmarsh, Jordi Torren, Jose Rosa, Josephine Chanter, Joshua Cohen, Josie Tapper, Joy Clarke, Joy Green, Jude Deakin, Judith Bull, Judith Cooke, Judy Willcocks, Julia Clough, Julia Davis, Julia Diniz, Julia Parfitt, Julian Bishop, Julian Kenny, Julie Brinkworth, Julie Reeder, Julie Silverlock, Jumoke Fashola, Justin Small, Justine Gordon, Kara Kennedy, Karen Keenan, Karen M Kelleher, Karen McQuaid, Karl Schulenburg, Karon Cook, Kate Heaps, Kate Alexander, Kate Allen, Kate Inai, Kate Newbury-Helps, Kate O'Hagan, Katharine Segal, Katherine Hartman, Katherine Johnson, Katherine Potsides, Katherine Walker, Kathryn Geels, Kathryn Norris, Katie Nordgreen, Katie Allen, Katie Newman, Katie Shaw, Katy Baldwin, Katy Cooper, Keith Doyle, Keith Turpin, Kelly Middleton, Kevin Harrington, Kevin Jordan, Kevin Rose, Kieran Hayes, Kirsten Dunham, Kirsty Austin, Kit Hui, Kylie Cameron, Kylie Mather, L O'Mara, Laura Childs, Laura Hanbury, Laura Whitwell, Lauraine Turner, Laurence Ryan, Layla Atkinson, Lee Hewett, Leigh Turvey, Lena Staafgard, Leo Wood, Leon Sherman, Lesley Ballantyne, Leslie Gilotti, Leyla Yilmaz, Liam Sollis, Liron Schur, Lisa & Andy Cooper, Lisa Blanchflower, Lisa Greensill, Lisa Storey, Liz Alexander, Liz Black, Lizzie Foyle, Lizzy Shaw, Lloyd Ffrench, Loraine Rutt, Lorna Harrison, Lorraine Clarke, Lorraine Milne, Louis Woodford, Louisa Shanks, Louise Armstrong, Louise Crow, Louise Murray, Lucie Parker, Lucy McMillan, Lucy Allen, Lucy Dawkins, Luis Otero, Luke Holder, Luke Hollowell-Williams, Lydie Billat, Lynn Turner, Lynne Bateman, Mael Cornic, Magnus Hultberg, Marcia Hurst, Margaret Taylor, Maria Campbell, Maria Francolini, Marika Thorogood, Marilyn Thompson, Mark Calderbank, Mark Darnell, Mark Hildrey, Mark Jacob, Mark Paul, Mark Woodford, Marlijn Wijkhuizen, Martha Henson, Martin Catchpole, Martin Conder, Martin Hall, Martina Ward, Maru Rojas, Mathew Holloway, Matt Bardsley, Matt Davies, Matt Gilbert, Matt Parsonage, Matt Smith, Matt Soper, Matt Vaight, Matthew Haydenn, Maureen Ellinwood, Maya White, Mel Stark, Mel Yurt, Melissa Ellis, Merryl Bryse, Michael & Liz Pountney, Michael Lynskey, Michael McKee, Michael Toolan, Michael Tye, Michael Veale, Michel Lee, Michelle Isme, Michelle Key, Michelle Williams, Michelle Yung, Miho Aishima, Mike Begent,Mike Freeman, Mike Howitt, Mike Salmon, Nadra Kebaili, Nadya Smith, Natalie Wastnidge, Natalie Armstrong, Natalie Moore, Natalie Newey, Natascha Leanage, Natasha Roe, Nathan Philpott, Neil Walsh, Neil Weatherall, Nic Morris, Nicholas Jones, Nicholas Ruffley, Nick Ambrose, Nick Cash, Nick Woodford, Nicky Johnson, Nicola Alexander, Nicola Carver, Nicola Denley, Nicolas Myers, Nicole Poole, Nigel Doran, Nigel Gourlay, Nina Farrell, Nina Sosanya, Niraj Dattani, Odin Church, Oliver Collins, Oliver Hargrove, Oliver Woodford, Owen Davies, Owen Jones, Owen King, Owen Marriott, P K, Padraig Gibbons, Pamela Fennell, Patrick Harmsworth, Patrick & Darren Lodge Woodhouse, Patrick Leahy, Paul Day, Paul James, Paul MacMahon, Paul Milnes, Paul Oglesby, Paul Teesdale, Paul Underwood, Paula Moran, Penny Sedgwick, , Pete and Soph Jolly, Peter Cope, Peter Edwards, Peter Frost, Peter Goldsack, Peter Hill, Peter Molyneux, Peter Murray, Peter Staines, Phil and Shell, Phil Mincher, Pierpaolo Inga, Pip Page, R Butler, Rachel Reynolds, Rachel Bright, Rachel Burnett, Rachel Phipp, Rachel Simpson, Raife Gale, Ralph Smyth, Raoul Pinnell, Rebecca Kong, Rebecca Palser, Rebecca Stephens, Rebecca Williams, Rebecca Wilson, Rebekah Hayes, Ribbet Malone, Rich Major, Richard Odumosu, Richard Day, Richard Gates, Richard Lewis, Richard Lovering, Richard Maxey, Richard Needham, Richard Wilberforce, Rob Hayward, Rob Tolfts, Robert Charnock, Robert Gamble, Robert Marchbank, Robin Marcus, Roger Manser, Roger Scott, Ronald Dunning, Ronnie Busby, Rory Curley, Rory Curran, Rory Fegan, Ros Gelbart, Ros Woodford, Rose Epps, Rose Ades, Rose Wetherell, Rosie Ferguson, Rosie Luff, Ross Gilbert, Rowena Warrington, Rumi Bose, Rupert Harding, Rupert McDonnell, Rupert Tebb, Rus Wetherell, Ruth Colvin, Ruth Whitten, S Napper, Sabine von Toerne, Sally Gilbey, Sally Jones, Sally Lane, Sally-Ann Whittaker, Sam Arnold, Sam Crump, Sam Jarman, Sam Newell, Sam Solnick, Sam Wilberforce, Sam Wilson, Sandra Parish, Sandra Roling, Sanjeet Hundal, Sara Baroni, Sara Corrin, Sara Strappini, Sarah Browne, Sarah Goodwin, Sarah Gordon, Sarah Guise, Sarah Heyes, Sarah Histronimedes, Sarah Jane Griffiths, Sarah Macdonald, Sarah Mahomed Ross, Sarah Plampin, Sarah Wanendeya, Sarah Ward, Saskia Sidey, Satish Kalia, Sean Whyte, Seb Jones, Seb Lloyd, Sebastian Aguirre, Serena Urzi, Sharon Shahani, Shaun Richards, Shelley Burke, Shelley Lees, Shereen Docherty, Shirley Borrett, Siân Wynn-Jones, Simon Roberts, Simon Baker, Simon Brott, Simon de Glanville, Simon Dilly, Simon Elder, Simon Gleisner, Sonja Mangels, Sophie Gregg, Sophie Bragg, Sophie Bulmer, Sophie Franklinos, Sophie Johnson, Spiro Katsanis, Stacey Williams, Stella Papaioannou, Stephanie Atkins, Stephanie Bell, Stephen Brough, Stephen Hardingham, Stephen Howe, Stephen Matthew, Steve Morse, Steve Silcock, Steven Batchelor, Steven Hitchins, Stewart Whitworth, Stuart & Miriam McGinty-Lowe, Stuart Leech, Sue Armstrong, Sue Plain, Suneil Saraf, Susan Allott, Susan Mcloughlin, Susan Rotter, Susie Mesure, Suzanne Dixon, Suzy Davis, Sylvia Baron, Tabi Joy, Tacita Wharton, Tamsie Thomson, Tamsin Bacchus, Tannaz Aliabadi-Zadeh, Tansy Drake, Tanya Metcalfe, Tanya Nash, Tarek Merlin, Tejinder Khera, Tessa Crook, Thabata Woodford, Thea Palmer, Theo Luke, Theodore Woodford, Thilo Schneider, Thomas Bailess, Thomas Dewhurst, Thomas Foster, Thomas Keenes, Tim Barnes, Tim Beckett, Tim Collingridge, Tim Richardson, Tim Williams, Tobias Heinrich, Toby Bennett, Tom Brough, Tom Connolly, Tom Halloran, Tom Manser, Tom Rogers, Tom Rogers, Tom Szekeres, Tony Bonnar, Tony Fletcher, Tracy Davis, Truda Spruyt, Ursula Allison, Ursula Paredes, Vanessa Allen, Veronica Hendry, Veronika Dashchinskaya, Vic Lee, Vicky Karambatsos, Vicky Skingley, Victoria Sellwood, Violeta Jawdokimova, Virag Szabo, Vivienne Gamble, Vivienne Thomson, , Wayne Hobbs, Wei Du, Wendy Devolder , Wesley Pickering, Wil Stewart, Will Dawson, Will Heaney, William Lush, Zahra Davidson, Zoe Avery, Zoe Hooper, Zoe Kennedy, Zoe Le Grand
Organisations who backed the project
Archic, Banprivatecarsinlondon.com, Barker Langham, Brick Brewery, Cafe Viva, Casa of Peckham, Codfellas Fish Bar, Copeland Park, Crafty Fox Market, Dead Dolls House, General Store, Gosnells London Mead, Hackney Irish Social Club, Hemingway Design, InfiniData, Jane Brockbank Gardens, Jo Thompson Landscape Design, KnoxBhavan, Little Bird Gin, Lost Dog, Michael OMARA Books, Miss Tapas, Nunhead Food Assembly, Oi Spaghetti, Old Spike Roastery, PECKHAMPLEX, Petitou, Richard Armitage Transport Consultancy Ltd, Southwark Cyclists, Southwark Living Streets, Spatial Practices Programme - Central Saint Martins, The Begging Bowl, The Butchery Ltd, The Creativity Club, The Montpelier, The Nines, The Peckham Pelican, The Pished Fish, The Ramblers Inner London Area, Urban Gilt Limited, Ways & Means Events,
Thank you to the 928 pioneers !
Strikingly © 2014
The Peckham Coal Line is a registered charity number 1165247